In our framework for setting goals article, we highlighted a key problem that we heard from our customers. Many felt their ROI from marketing was declining and they were having to work harder whilst getting less. We presented a framework “7 Questions” to guide you in your planning. In this article we will explore Question 1: What is the other side doing and why? in more detail. We will be looking specifically at marketing activity for brevity and not the operational aspect of your business.
To understand what is happening in your world of social media you should regularly conduct an audit of your social media accounts. A key finding of the Hootsuite social trends survey 2024 was that organisations fear the ROI impact of being on so many platforms. With this in mind, you need to understand what is going on with your own world to enable informed decisions later on in the process.
This will require some dedicated time but once you have done it once, subsequent reviews will not take as long the next time. Remember to plan time to do this regularly.
Now combine this understanding with your business data, such as new customers, lost customers, revenue etc and you will have a rich set of insights to allow you to really know your business inside out. This understanding will further enable you to inform questions 3. What outcomes do I want to have? and 4. Where can I best accomplish each outcome?
Instead of trying to be on every platform, spending valuable time, money and effort, use the data you have available to you to figure out what is right for your business. Master a select few platforms rather than being so-so at many so you can really understand what drives your ROI.
What to see how this approach can be applied to your business? Book a Free Review with us today, and discover how to empower your business for sustainable growth.